Monthly Archives: January 2016

Flipagram Likes: Be Original

As with any social media account, there is going to be competition for attention. There are literally millions of different content providers and pages across the world and these pages are essentially all competing for attention. That means that those who want to obtain something like Flipagram likes or Facebook followers need to do more than just provide the same old same old in order to get noticed. Instead, they must stand out among the crowd. But, this is often easier said than done if you do not know the right tips and tricks to accomplish this end goal. In order to attain any type of interaction, then, there is one important rule to follow: be original.

Originality is crucial in building a fan following and garnering interactions. Individuals that follow a page want to know that they are not going to get the same content that they can get on any other page. They are, then, not going to give Flipagram likes as easily to a page that looks just like every other page. Instead, they are going to wait until the page is right for them and the content is different. That is why originality is so important in getting user and follower interaction. In fact, aside from buying, original and interesting content is the closest way to garnering a response from followers.

Creating a Twitter Poll

If you think that Twitter polls are something that is designed for the skilled marketers on this platform, you are definitely wrong. These polls are easy to compose and post for all users on this platform. Polls on the Twitter social media platform may be created from a computer by navigating to or from the official Android and iOS Twitter applications. To create a poll, you should log into your Twitter account and click on the ‘Poll’ button.

This will present you with various fields to fill; on the first box, you are supposed to type the question for which you would like the users to give views on.  After this, you will be required to enter up to four answer options for the question you have asked. After this, you should then share the poll to your followers for them to vote.

This process will not take five minutes of your time; it is as easy as posting a tweet on the platform. This being the case, Twitter polls is not only effective, but also a very fast way of collecting user views


For each and every celebrity across the world, having a breakthrough in the entertainment and the showbiz industry has proved to be quite a difficult thing for most of them. As a matter of fact, a good number of them have ventured into new ways of trying to promote themselves and their content too. As we all know, social media platforms can play a very important role in helping people become well known out there. Talk of having a huge fan base. Twitter for instance, the world’s leading social media network could be a nice avenue for you to increase their fan base due to its huge proximity to many people across the world.

By having very many twitter followers, you get to improve your chances of popularity out there. But as it has come to our knowledge, getting many twitter followers is indeed not a bed of roses. It is for this reason therefore that people can now actually purchase twitter followers for their accounts. In so doing, your content will be accessible to a huge fan base out there and as a result, you remain relevant in the society and as a result, you become famous.

The Anatomy of Twitter Polls

Twitter polls are basically made up of various components. Some of the key components of a poll on this social media platform include the four poll questions/ options,  the time left before the poll expires and the actual number of polls that have been counted within a particular time. As opposed to online surveys, these polls are rather simple in composition and easy to create and post. This makes them some of the most popular ways of collecting votes from users across the world, on a certain aspect.

Prior to voting in any twitter poll, the users are presented with the poll questions, along with the possible answers. This way, the users can vote in the poll by clicking on their preferred answer and submitting it. Once a user has voted in a poll, he or she will be presented with a window showing the time left before the poll is closed, the total number of votes received for the poll since it was opened and the percentages of the votes, with regards to the answers provided by the respondents.

This is to say that Twitter polls are not only easy to create, but also easy to respond to.